As cats often wander around in the ground and even eat plant leaves, choosing houseplants that will not poison them if they eat them is crucial.
as It’s better to lose some beautiful leaves on our house plants than to hurt our beloved cat and put him in a life-threatening situation if we don’t. My favorite and most beautiful houseplants have been compiled in this article. They are approved by the Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA) and are safe in a cat-friendly home.
Cat-friendly non-toxic houseplants
Spider Plant – Chlorophytum commosum
There is no question that spider plants are one of the most popular house plants. Not only are they so impressive and unique in their appearance, but they are also effortless to care for and are not poisonous to your cats. So you just might have found your next house plant!
Care instructions: The best way to care for your spider plant is to keep it in a pot with drainage holes. The perfect conditions for your spider plant include well-draining soil, and not too much water. It prefers filtered water and bright, indirect lighting for 6-8 hours a day.

Polka Dot Plant – Hypoestes phyllostachya
Undoubtedly, the Polka Dot Plant is one of the most beautiful and colorful indoor plants. Due to the unique dots on the plant leaves come in a range of colors, including pink, white, and red.
Since they are native to warm climates, planting this eye-catching plant in the spring is the best time of year to do so since it is a plant that thrives in a warm environment.
Care instructions: Taking care of this plant is pretty straightforward. The polka dot plant requires a pot that has drainage holes and bright indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight because it may damage the visibility of spots on the leaves. Water after the top one inch of soil has dried out.

Goldfish plant – Hypocyrta
Are you looking for a flowering plant that is safe for your pets? Goldfish are a unique plant that is pet-friendly and perfect for dog or cat owners. Goldfish Plants have a gorgeous blooming appearance in spring and summer. Their flowers are red-orange in color and appear in spring and summer.
Care instructions: For the goldfish to thrive, it needs bright indirect light, slightly dry soil, and should only be watered once a week. Watering more than once a week could cause the leaves to fall off the plant, so ensure you water it only once a week. The goldfish plant prefers to be placed in a pot with drainage holes.

Swedish ivy – Plectranthus australis
Swedish ivy is a gorgeous hanging plant that is attractive and non-toxic for cats. It is only recommended if your cats do not like to jump on things that hang in the air, as in that case your cat will not be poisoned by the plant, but he will destroy it quite quickly if they do jump on it.
Care instructions: You might like to put the Swedish ivy in a hanging basket since it likes to be root-bound in small pots. It prefers bright indirect sunlight. It tolerates lower light levels. Water once a week. You should let the top 2-3 inches of soil dry out before you water it.

Boston Fern – Nephrolepis
You may be surprised to learn that ferns are among the oldest plants on this planet. Depending on the size of the plant, Boston Ferns can either be hung from the ceiling or placed on a high shelf so that their leaves can fall and become a stunning decoration item in the house. Even though Boston Fern plants are not among the easiest plants to grow, if you follow the instructions carefully, you will have a fantastic houseplant that you won’t miss.
Care instructions: Boston Fern plant requires bright, indirect sunlight, a relatively humid environment (75-90% humidity), and weekly watering. It prefers a relatively warm temperature, 65-95°F (18.3-35°C).

Blue Hens and Chicks – Echeveria glauca
The fact that Blue Hens and Chicks has such an original name can be an opportunity for a pleasant conversation with every guest who comes to your house, which is already an advantage.
The succulent plant is an endemic plant in Mexico, Texas, Central America, and South America that is a member of the succulent family. It is a plant that comes from arid regions but can still adapt well to living in a house, and like all the plants on this list, it isn’t toxic to animals either.
Care instructions: Blue Hens and Chicks It needs watering only when the soil dries out completely and in Bright filtered light sunlight.

The orchid is such a beautiful flower. I always think that those in love with them are IN LOVE with them full-time. I can assure those people that they will not harm your cats. You can match orchids to any home design style because they have such beautiful flowers and a variety of colors.
Care instructions: Orchids need indirect light and watering once a week with filtered water.

Bird’s Nest Fern – Asplenium nidus
This fern makes an excellent houseplant for anyone looking for something green and unique that is not toxic to cats. Certainly one of the plants with a unique appearance on this list, it looks great in a large vase on the floor or in a small pot on a bookshelf and adds a lot of character to any room.
Care instructions: To keep its cute, crimped leaves healthy, the Bird’s Nest Fern needs a bright, indirect light source and water once a week. Placing this plant in a pot with drainage holes is recommended to prevent it from rotting from the inside.

Nerve Plant – Fittonia
A nerve plant thrives in a humid environment, so it is best grown in terrariums, containers, and on windowsills in areas with high humidity. In addition to their beautiful and unique appearance, they have characteristic veins on their leaves that contrast with their color.
When it comes to Nerve inside your home, you can rest assured that it is safe for people, dogs, and cats.
Care instructions: To prevent rot, nerve plants need a pot with drainage holes. They also prefer bright indirect light and must be watered every 3-4 days.

African violets – Saintpaulia ionantha
One of the most popular plants in the world is African violet with deep purple, white or blue flowers. And this is because they can grow even in places without much sun.
Care instructions: The African violet only needs water once a week. The soil should dry out before you water it. Plus, use should use rainwater or distilled water for watering the African violets. Keep it in indirect sunlight.

Bamboo palm – Areca palm
Undoubtedly, the Areca palm will add jungle vibes to any apartment. The leaves or fronds of the palm arch upwards and have a rightful place on the list of houseplants that are cat-friendly.
Care instructions: Areca palm is relatively easy to grow in a pot with drainage holes. It needs partial sunlight and watering every 7-14 days once the soil is completely dry.

Frequently asked questions
In the list, I included only 11 plants that can be grown at home with cats. More plants are saved for cats, and I suggest you first check what the Animal Poison Control Center states about the plant your cat ate.
Consult his vet immediately.
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