Welcome to the world of monstera plants, where their lush foliage and unique leaf patterns have captured the hearts of houseplant enthusiasts. Fear not if you find yourself with a struggling or dying monstera plant! In this article, I, a passionate plant lover with an extensive collection of houseplants, will guide you through reviving your precious monstera. With love, care, and the proper techniques, you can bring your monstera back to life and witness its magnificent transformation.
Assessing the Problem
Before reviving your dying monstera plant, look closely at some common signs indicating your monstera is in distress. By understanding these signs, you can pinpoint the specific issues and tailor your revival efforts accordingly.
Yellow Leaves
One of the most noticeable signs of a struggling monstera is yellowing leaves. If you observe yellowing on the older leaves, it could indicate overwatering or nutrient deficiencies. However, if the younger monstera leaves turn yellow, they may point to underwatering or inadequate light.
Wilting or Drooping
A wilting or drooping monstera is a cry for help. This can be caused by underwatering, overwatering, or root-bound situations. Check the soil moisture and ensure it is neither too dry nor overly saturated. Additionally, examine the roots for any signs of root rot or overcrowding.
Stunted Growth
If your monstera is not displaying the lush growth you desire, it may be experiencing suboptimal conditions. Insufficient light, improper watering, or lack of nutrients can lead to stunted growth. Monitor the plant’s growth rate and compare it to its usual vigor to determine if intervention is necessary.
Yellow or Brown Spots
The presence of yellow or brown spots on the leaves can be an indication of various issues. It could be overwatering, underwatering, nutrient deficiencies, or even pest infestations. Examine the affected leaves closely to identify the cause and address it accordingly.
Leaf Curling or Curling Edges
Curling leaves can be a response to environmental stressors. If the leaves curl inward, it may be due to underwatering or low humidity. Conversely, if the leaves curl outward, it could indicate overwatering or excessive humidity. To correct the issue, evaluate your monstera’s environment’s watering routine and humidity levels.
Pests and Diseases
Watch for signs of pests or diseases, such as webbing, tiny insects, or unusual spots on the leaves. Common pests that can afflict monstera plants include spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. Treat any infestations promptly to prevent further damage and promote revival.
How to Revive Monstera Plant

Adjusting Watering Practices
Proper watering is crucial for reviving a dying monstera plant. To address the issue of excess water, reevaluate your watering schedule and ensure you’re not giving your monstera too much water. Overwatering is a common problem that can lead to root rot and hinder the plant’s ability to absorb nutrients. Remember, the monstera is not a water monster and doesn’t require frequent drenching. Instead, aim for a balanced watering approach. Allow the top inch of the soil to dry out between waterings, preventing the roots from sitting in soggy conditions.
If you’ve provided too little water, your monstera may exhibit signs of dehydration, such as wilted or drooping leaves. In such cases, adjust your watering routine to ensure your monstera receives sufficient hydration. Monitor the moisture level of the soil regularly and water thoroughly when the top inch of the soil feels dry. However, avoid overcompensating and drowning the plant with excessive water.
To prevent future issues, it’s essential to understand the specific water requirements of your monstera. Factors like temperature, humidity, and the pot size can influence how much water your monstera needs. Observe your plant closely and learn to read its signals. A healthy monstera will have firm, turgid leaves, while an overwatered monstera may have yellowing leaves or a pungent smell from the soil. On the other hand, a dehydrated monstera may display wilted or crispy leaves.
Remember, striking the right balance is critical. Adjust your watering practices based on the specific needs of your monstera, providing adequate moisture without allowing the roots to sit in excess water. Finding the sweet spot and avoiding the extremes of too much or too little water help your monstera regain its health and vitality.
Providing Adequate Lighting
Ensuring your monstera receives the right light is essential for its revival. Monstera plants thrive in bright, indirect light, so finding the perfect balance is essential. Too much light can scorch the leaves and cause them to turn yellow or brown, while too little light can result in leggy growth and sparse foliage.
Place your monstera in a location that receives bright, indirect light. This could be near a window with a sheer curtain or a few feet away from a south-facing window. If your monstera is not getting enough light, it may exhibit signs such as pale leaves, stretched stems, or slow growth. Consider moving it closer to a natural light source or supplementing it with artificial grow lights.
On the other hand, be cautious of exposing your monstera to direct sunlight, especially during the intense afternoon hours. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves and cause irreparable damage. If you notice sunburn spots or leaf discoloration, it’s a sign that your monstera is receiving too much bright light.
Remember that different environments and seasons may affect the amount of light your monstera receives. During the winter months or in areas with limited natural light, you may need to provide additional artificial lighting. Grow lights designed explicitly for houseplants can be a great solution to ensure your monstera receives sufficient light for photosynthesis and growth.
Checking for Pests
One crucial step in reviving your monstera plant is regularly checking for pest infestations and fungal infections. These unwanted visitors can significantly impact the health and vigor of your plant. One common pest that can affect monstera plants is spider mites. These tiny pests are difficult to spot with the naked eye but can cause damage by feeding on the leaves and leaving behind webs. Look closely at the leaves, undersides, and stems for any signs of these pests. If you notice small webs or tiny moving specks, your monstera likely has a spider mite infestation.
In addition to spider mites, look for common pests such as mealybugs, aphids, and scale insects. These pests can feed on the plant’s sap, causing wilting, yellowing, or distorted leaves. Inspect the leaves, stems, and soil for signs of these pests. You may also notice sticky residue or sooty mold, indicating pest activity.
Fungal infections can also affect monstera plants, mainly if the conditions are overly moist. Look for any signs of fungal growth, such as powdery mildew or dark spots on the leaves. These infections can weaken the plant and hinder its revival.
If you detect any signs of pests or fungal infections, take immediate action to address the issue. Start by isolating the affected plant to prevent the infestation from spreading to other plants. Treat pests or fungal infections using appropriate methods, such as insecticidal soap or neem oil for pests and fungicides for fungal infections. For severe infestations or infections, you may need to consider pruning affected areas or seeking the help of a professional.
Regularly checking your monstera plant for pests and fungal infections allows you to detect and address problems early on, giving your plant the best chance at revival and continued growth. By closely monitoring your monstera’s health, you can ensure it thrives in a pest-free and disease-free environment.
Addressing Nutritional Deficiencies
Addressing any nutritional deficiencies is a good idea when reviving a monstera plant. A dying plant may exhibit nutrient deficiencies, such as yellowing or discolored leaves, stunted growth, or poor overall health. You can apply a balanced liquid fertilizer formulated explicitly for houseplants to provide the necessary nutrients. This will help ensure the entire plant receives the essential nutrients to thrive.
Before applying fertilizer, it’s crucial to assess the current condition of your monstera and determine the appropriate course of action. Consider the plant’s age, size, and overall health. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging carefully to avoid over-fertilization, as this can cause more harm than good.
In addition to fertilization, proper care practices play a significant role in addressing nutritional deficiencies. Ensure your monstera grows in well-draining soil and is planted in a suitable pot size. Maintaining a consistent watering schedule allows the soil to dry out between waterings slightly. Avoid overwatering, which can lead to root rot and hinder nutrient uptake. Proper watering practices and appropriate fertilization will give your monstera the nutrients to support its revival and overall well-being.
Regular monitoring of your monstera’s foliage and growth is essential. If you notice persistent nutrient deficiency symptoms, such as slow growth or discoloration, consider adjusting your fertilization routine or consulting a plant care expert. Addressing nutritional deficiencies and providing proper care can give your monstera the best chance of recovering and thriving again.
Pruning and Trimming
When dealing with a dying plant, pruning and trimming can be a good idea to improve the overall health of your monstera. Look closely at the plant’s leaves and identify any dead or yellowing leaves. These lower leaves may no longer contribute to the plant’s vitality and can be safely removed. Trim them off using clean pruning shears, making clean cuts close to the main stem.
Pruning not only eliminates unsightly or damaged foliage but also stimulates new growth. As you remove the lower leaves, the plant redirects its energy toward producing new leaves. This encourages the growth of fresh, healthy foliage and enhances the overall appearance of your monstera.
When pruning, it’s essential to consider your plant’s specific needs. Some monstera varieties have naturally larger leaves, while others may have more intricate leaf patterns. Take care not to remove too many leaves, which can stress the plant. Aim for a balanced approach, removing only the damaged or excessive growth while preserving your monstera’s overall shape and balance.
Regularly check your monstera for any signs of leaf damage or disease. If you notice any brown spots, discoloration, or signs of pests, trim off the affected leaves to prevent the problem from spreading. By keeping a vigilant eye on the condition of the plant’s leaves, you can maintain its health and promote new, vibrant growth.
Remember to sanitize your pruning tools before and after each use to prevent the spread of any potential diseases. Additionally, take care not to damage the healthy leaves while pruning.

Providing Support
Supporting your monstera is an essential step in reviving a struggling plant. As monstera grows, it develops aerial roots that naturally seek support and attachment. You can help your monstera regain strength and promote healthy growth by providing a suitable support structure.
One popular support method is using a moss pole or a stake. These structures mimic the natural environment where monstera vines attach themselves to trees or other surfaces for support. Gently guide the aerial roots towards the moss pole or stake, allowing them to attach and anchor themselves. This provides stability for the plant and encourages upward growth and the development of larger leaves.
Another method of support is to use plant ties or soft plant tape. As your monstera grows, you can gently secure its vines to a trellis or a wall using these ties. This prevents the vines from sprawling and promotes a more compact and organized growth pattern.
Regularly inspect your monstera for any signs of drooping or leaning. If you notice any, it may indicate that the plant needs additional support. Adjust the positioning of the moss pole or stake, or add more ties as needed to ensure your monstera remains upright and well-supported.
It’s essential to strike a balance when providing support. Avoid excessive tying or binding, as this can restrict the plant’s natural growth and may lead to damage or stress. Allow your monstera some freedom to grow and explore its surroundings while providing enough support to prevent it from falling or becoming unmanageable.
Humidity is a common issue that can affect the health and growth of your monstera. These tropical plants thrive in environments with higher humidity levels, mimicking their natural habitat. Insufficient humidity can lead to dry leaf tips, browning edges, and stunted growth.
To ensure the optimal humidity levels for your monstera, there are several methods you can try. One approach is to use a humidifier to increase the moisture in the air surrounding your plant. Place the humidifier near the monstera or the same room to create a more humid microclimate. This is especially beneficial during dry winters when indoor humidity tends to lower.
Another way to increase humidity is by placing a tray filled with water near the monstera. As the water evaporates, it adds moisture to the air. Be sure not to let the plant sit directly in the water, which can lead to root rot. Alternatively, you can mist the leaves of your monstera with water using a spray bottle. This creates a temporary increase in humidity around the plant.
Monitoring the humidity levels is essential to ensure you provide the right amount of moisture for your monstera. You can use a hygrometer or a moisture meter to measure the humidity in the air and adjust your humidity-enhancing methods accordingly. Aim for a humidity range of around 50-60%, which is generally ideal for most monstera plants.
While humidity is essential, striking a balance and avoiding excessive moisture is crucial. High humidity and cold temperatures can create a breeding ground for fungal infections and other issues. Ensure proper air circulation and avoid placing your monstera near drafts or cold windows to prevent moisture-related problems.
Maintaining adequate humidity creates a more favorable environment for your monstera’s growth and overall well-being. Healthy humidity levels promote lush foliage, prevent leaf problems, and help your monstera thrive in its indoor habitat.
The soil quality plays a vital role in the health and revival of your monstera plant. Understanding the proper soil conditions is essential to provide the best care for your plant.
First and foremost, avoid extremes when it comes to soil moisture. Monstera plants prefer a balance between dry and wet soil. Overly dry soil can cause stress and lead to wilting and stunted growth, while overly wet soil can lead to root rot and other issues. Aim for moist soil that is well-draining. This means the soil should retain enough moisture to keep the roots hydrated and allow excess water to drain away, preventing waterlogging.
When watering your monstera, ensure that you water thoroughly, allowing water to reach the bottom of the pot. However, always allow the top inch or two of soil to dry before watering again. This helps prevent the soil from becoming too soggy and ensures the roots have access to oxygen. Remember, it’s better to be underwater than overwater your monstera.
Choosing suitable potting soil is crucial for maintaining proper soil conditions. Opt for a well-draining potting mix specifically designed for indoor or tropical plants. These mixes usually contain organic matter, such as peat moss or coconut coir, and materials like perlite or vermiculite that promote drainage. Avoid using heavy garden soil or soil mixes that retain too much moisture.
If you notice that the soil in your monstera’s pot becomes compacted or loses its ability to drain appropriately over time, it may be a good idea to refresh the soil. Gently remove your monstera from its pot, shake off excess soil from the roots, and replant it in fresh, well-draining potting soil. This ensures that your monstera has access to the necessary nutrients and proper moisture balance.
Regularly monitoring the moisture levels of your monstera’s soil is essential. Stick about an inch into the soil to gauge its moisture content. If it feels dry at that depth, it’s time to water. However, adjust your watering frequency to prevent waterlogged conditions if the soil feels wet or overly moist.
Conclusion, how to revive the Monstera plant
Congratulations on taking the initiative to revive your dying monstera plant! Remember, reviving a struggling plant requires patience and care. By adjusting your watering practices, providing adequate lighting, checking for pests, addressing nutritional deficiencies, pruning, and offering support, you can breathe new life into your monstera. As a fellow plant enthusiast, I know firsthand the joy of witnessing a plant’s revival. So, roll up your sleeves, give your monstera some love, and enjoy the rewarding journey of nurturing your green companion back to its thriving self. Happy gardening!
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